Innovation Award 2024
On point medicals has won the 2024 Innovations- and Research Award of the Federal State of Carinthia.
On point medicals has won the 2024 Innovations- and Research Award of the Federal State of Carinthia.
Dry eye disease (DED) is a prevalent and often underestimated ocular condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Find out more about causes, symptoms and treatment options.
Serum Eye Drops (SED) are similar to normal tears and show a high efficacy in therapy with patients suffering from severe ocular surface problems, such as Dry Eye Disease. Learn more about this widely unknown blood-derived therapy.
Cold chain management can ensure that unused blood products are returned to the blood bank safely. In times of blood shortages it is more than important that surplus blood products can be reused. More on why temperature monitoring is essential.
Blood is irradiated before transfusion in order to avoid the formation of the rare but mostly fatal TA-GvHD. Here is why it is much better to prevent this disease with blood irradiation than to diagnose it.
The transfusion-associated graft-versus-host reaction is a complication of blood transfusion in immunodeficient patients. Read here why it can arise and what serious reactions it causes.
The digital traceability of blood transfusions is of crucial importance - also if blood irradiation is involved. Find the latest developments in digital verification of blood irradiation in this article.
The irradiation process of blood products can currently be carried out with gamma or X-ray irradiation. But what are the differences and the latest developments between the two radiation sources?
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
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